Category Archives: Connecting to Nature

Bees, Wasps and Other Pollinators

What do you know about bees and wasps? I would assume probably as little as myself. For most of my adult life, I believed that all bees/wasps stung (not true). The only bees/wasps I knew were the common ones that … Continue reading

Posted in Connecting to Nature, Insects, Summer | Leave a comment

Prairie Pothole Region, NW Minnesota

This aerial photo shows existing potholes and also potholes that have been filled. Over 80% of the small wetlands have been lost to human development. How were the prairie potholes formed?   Roughly, 13,000 years, when the last glaciers were … Continue reading

Posted in Connecting to Nature, Summer | 1 Comment

Transforming Our Lawn into a Living Laboratory

A Special interest article by Kathy Adams “… like friends, they have become so much of who I  am.  It is hard to separate them from who I have become because of them”. Kathy Adams Perhaps people think it is too … Continue reading

Posted in Connecting to Nature, Nature Guardians, Summer | Leave a comment

Common Dragonflies and Damselflies

Over the past summer, I have made it a goal to learn more about common dragonflies and damselflies in my neighborhood. I started observing and photographing them; bought a wonderful book titled: Dragonflies of the Northwoods by Kurt Mead and … Continue reading

Posted in Connecting to Nature, Insects, Nature Notes, Photography/Art, Summer | 1 Comment

5 Minutes With a Robin

    How many robins have you seen on the lawn, but never really watched them? In five minutes you could learn a lot about robins, and probably end up having more questions than answers. Possibly you’ll notice that a … Continue reading

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Classifying insects

 How is a Bug Different From a Beetle? To most people, insects are “bugs”. A naturalist knows that there are many types of insects and insect-like animals in the weeds or in a butterfly garden. How is a fly different … Continue reading

Posted in Connecting to Nature, Insects | Leave a comment

Become a Tree

Find a large tree like an oak, maple or cottonwood in a place off the trail where you won’t be disturbed. This activity is a guided imagery. Close your eyes and relax every part of your body. Feel the bottom … Continue reading

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Minnesota Rocks

Minnesota has a rich geologic history Ancient Rocks 3.6 billion years ago. Morton Gneiss (pronounced “nice”) is one of the oldest rocks on Earth. Outcrops of gneiss can be found just an hour west of the Twin Cities in the … Continue reading

Posted in Connecting to Nature | 11 Comments

Monarch Program

Monarchs are one of the few insects to migrate. The monarchs travel over 1700 miles to the Sierra Madre Mountains in Central Mexico.        Its a Long Way to Mexico C                                                G The monarchs left … Continue reading

Posted in Connecting to Nature, Fall, Insects, Nature Songs | Leave a comment

Animal Tracking Program

     Walker  /  Caminante Hopper  / Saltadora   Big Foot – Little Foot  /   Pie Grande y Pequeño Qué Usted Necisita Hacer 1. Escriba su nombre 2. Escriba el Nombre del Animal 3. Lay-out  del Huella del Animal 4. . … Continue reading

Posted in Connecting to Nature, Mammals, Winter | Leave a comment