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Nature Seeker Workbook!
Nature Seeker Workbook: $12 per book plus $4 per book for shipping, handling and state tax ($16 total).
Whales In The Classroom Presents: Oceanography
Whales in the Classroom present: Oceanography: $12 per book plus $4 per book for shipping, handling and state tax ($16 total).
Getting to Know the Whales
Getting To Know The Whales: $12 per book plus $4 per book for shipping, handling and state tax ($16 total).
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Category Archives: Student Resources
Acorns to Oaks
Originally published in September 2013 How many acorns will survive and become mature oaks? Even if none survive, the project will not be a failure, but a success, because the land had someone caring for its future. There is a … Continue reading
Posted in Connecting to Nature, Fall, Nature Notes, Student Resources
Pebbles, Sand and Silt
Boulders, stones-pebbles-sand F G C Boulders, stones-pebbles-sand C Sort your rocks F G color, shape, or feel Yea, yea F G C Sort by color, shape or feel F G C Boulders, stones-pebbles-sand C Separate them with … Continue reading
Posted in Student Resources
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Informes de animales
Lobo El lobo es de color gris y del tamaño de un perro grande. Tiene un sentido del olfato cien veces más desarrollado que los seres humanos. Los lobos son predadores superiores y comen venados y alces. En verano, los lobos … Continue reading
Posted in Mammals, Spanish, Student Resources
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