Spring Nature School Lesson 1 – Resident Birds and Geese


At Nature School you can learn more about creatures and plants in your neighborhood. Go outside and let “nature be your teacher.” Each week I will highlight activities you can do in nature. Here are the first things to do!

If you haven’t already created a nature notebook – It is time!

  • Tell what you did in nature and what you saw.
  • Draw some of the special things you thought were really interesting.
  • Take some photos of your discoveries and add them in your notebook

You can share your experience with others by posting on this website (down below).

Pileated Woodpecker
Photo by Lawrence Wade

Studying  Resident Birds

Our resident birds spend the entire year here and nest here. If you have a bird feeder, you may have seen some  or all of them of them.

First, click here to learn about some resident birds. 

If you like, click here for the Resident Birds PDF questionnaire.

Next, try identifying some Resident Birds. Use the identification page below. To download and print this page out, click here.


Canada Goose Behavior

At this time of year, Canada Geese are setting up their territories. Canada geese pairs bond for life. Their nesting sites are at a premium, so they often battle with other pairs for a nest site.

Can you observe any of these behaviors in Canada geese? Click here to download and print the PDF. Take it out into the field with you and check off each behavior you see!













Patterns in Nature

To get more ideas about looking for patterns in nature,
click here .

Go outside and look for patterns that you find in nature. Draw or photograph the pattern and put it in your nature notebook.

Pine tree bark

Bark Beetle patterns on a decaying tree.









We’d love to have you share your discoveries and experiences! Be sure and add comments and pictures. (we never sell or share your email information).

Stay tuned! Next week we’ll have more activities for you to do in Nature School!


5 Responses to Spring Nature School Lesson 1 – Resident Birds and Geese

  1. Denise Templeton says:

    Hi Larry—
    I was so glad to read your info about Canada geese! We counted about 40 in the field behind our town home. More seem to return every year! Now we will have an idea about what they are doing when they stretch out their necks. We only wish they would be quiet at night.
    Thanks for continuing to send these emails.

  2. Kara says:

    Thank you so much for this great information! I am going to get the kids going on their nature notebooks today!

  3. Emily says:

    We did the winter birds lesson today at Westwood Nature Center. It was a very successful outing! We saw a pair of cardinals, a pair of hawks which swooped down pretty low, a beautiful blue jay, Canada geese, mallard ducks, a pileated woodpecker, and many more we weren’t able to identify.

  4. Hope Betterman says:

    Thank you Mr Wade! Don’t know if you remember me, my name is Hope Bourgeault, you were my 6th grade teacher! Now I’m 30 and have a couple kids myself. Me and my kids are doing this project this morning! Heading to the woods. 🙂 Thank you!

  5. Mark Storck says:

    Larry, this looks fantastic! I am going to try to incorporate it into my weekly distance learning plan. I’ve been trying to think of ways to get my students outside. Thank you! Will each week’s edition be available as time moves forward? I don’t start with my kids for 2 more weeks, but would like to start with this one. Thanks

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