Category Archives: Summer

Summer-themed topics

Hidden Beauty in Murky Water

Originally posted in 2017. Currently (June 2024), the river is flowing too fast for snorkeling. Text and photos by the Old Naturalist. Minnehaha Creek  flows out of Lake Minnetonka and lot of fish go over the dam during the spring … Continue reading

Posted in Animals, Photography/Art, Summer | 7 Comments

The Silence of an Underwater Lake

Text and photos by Lawrence Wade Over the years, I have learned that our Minnesota lakes are filled with beauty. The silence of the underwater world;  the shapes and colors of fish; the sunlight dancing off the plants are all … Continue reading

Posted in Nature Notes, Summer | Leave a comment

Mind in the Waters

Some of us would rather spend our lives underwater. The welcome arms of nature allows us to become part of something that is greater than ourselves. Editor note: Click the photo to get a full screen view.     Poetry … Continue reading

Posted in Connecting to Nature, Nature Poetry, Photography/Art, Summer | Leave a comment

Touch the Sky

Photos and text by Julie, Jim, Curran Ikhaml, and the Old Naturalist. The town of Luverne is in the Southwestern corner of Minnesota and is a very interesting areas for a naturalists, geologists, and historians.  The Ikhamls take us on … Continue reading

Posted in Nature Notes, Summer | 5 Comments

Saving the Planet, One Weed at a Time

For the past 21 years, four of us have transformed an abandoned lot into a native prairie.  The project has given us an opportunity to express ourselves as guardians of the Earth.  What would our Earth be like, if all … Continue reading

Posted in Nature Guardians, Summer | 5 Comments

Alone on a Mountaintop – Wolf Ridge Poet Society

Sixty teenagers ranging in age from 11 – 17 years old in the Northwoods. If you would like to be inspired and feel a burst of creative energy, read what is in the heart of these children. Listening, looking, and … Continue reading

Posted in Connecting to Nature, Nature Poetry, Photography/Art, Summer | 3 Comments

Minnehaha Muskie

After an hour of exploring the backwaters of the creek, I turned towards shore and  I saw a muskie following about 6 feet behind me. When I  turned toward it, the muskie did not move away. This 3 foot fish … Continue reading

Posted in Nature Notes, Photography/Art, Summer | 4 Comments

Pollinator Program


Posted in Insects, Summer | Leave a comment

Dragonfly Art

  A Creative Contribution by Patricia Hauser            Shorewood, MN.   Something about Patricia’s  watercolors really touched me.                                     … Continue reading

Posted in Photography/Art, Summer | 2 Comments

Bee Program

                                                 Bees, Wasps and Hornets   Yellow Jacket                            Bumblebee – There are over 15 species of bumblebee in MN                                                                      Honey Bee Bee Fly      … Continue reading

Posted in Fall, Insects, Summer | Leave a comment