Pollinator Program

Humming for Bees.org

Humming for Bees.org


Migrating Monarch on Liatris.

Migrating Monarch on Liatris.



Tiger Swallowtail on Monarda


Great Spangled Fritillary on purple coneflower


Cuckoo Bee

Cuckoo Bee on butterflyweed


Tiphiid Wasp and Great Black Wasp on Rattlesnake Master

Tiphiid Wasp and Great Black Wasp


Thread-waisted Wasp on Mountain Mint

Thread-waisted Wasp on Mountain Mint


Great Golden Digger Wasp on Dogbane.

Great Golden Digger Wasp on Dogbane.


Bumblebee sp. on Monarda.

Bumblebee sp. on Hyssop



Ambush bug
Paul Vitko

Ambush Bug
(Paul Vitko

Bloodroot blooms in mid-April

Bloodroot blooms in mid-April



Creeping Charlie



dutch white clover

dutch white clover




Monarda - Bee balm

Monarda – Bee balm

Monarchs and Milkweed

Monarchs and Milkweed

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