Category Archives: Connecting to Nature

Wooly Bear Mania

Wooly bears are fuzzy caterpillars and tend to appear in great numbers when the weather gets warm in the fall. They are the caterpillar of a small white moth known as the Isabella Moth. Kids love to handle them because … Continue reading

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Nature Guardian

What is a guardian? I am not sure. It sounds like it could be another reality TV show that I don’t want to watch. My thesaurus says that a guardian is a “protector, sentinel, or keeper”. I consider myself a … Continue reading

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Walking with Nature

How many of you walk the same trail each morning and are bored with the experience? That’s how I felt until I started paying more attention to my dog, “Mr Mook”. Every morning, Mook’s nose gives him a full report … Continue reading

Posted in Connecting to Nature | 3 Comments

Listening to Nature

At 6:30 this morning, it was just starting to get light and I was walking Mr. Mook. I heard the spring call of a chickadee, somewhere in the woods. Since it was December, the call was such a welcome and … Continue reading

Posted in Connecting to Nature | 2 Comments

Listening when there is no sound

Celebrated Minnesota naturalist, Sigurd Olson wrote in his book, Listening Point, “I named this place Listening Point because only when one comes to listen, only when one is aware and still, can things be seen and heard.”  I believe that … Continue reading

Posted in Connecting to Nature | 1 Comment

Childhood Lost II – The Importance of Forts

 What are some magical things you remember about your childhood; playing football, hide and seek, flashlight tag, building forts? I worry that many children today never experience the childhood that I once took-for-granted. Last week at school, we were reading … Continue reading

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Sit Under a Tree

When was the last time that you sat and observed nature? Find a great spot and sit or stand there for 10-12 minutes. While you are there, write down everything you see, hear, and feel. Why I do it: Life … Continue reading

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Childhood Lost

Why television, mobile phones, facebook, ipads and other electronic devices are ruining our children’s early years. When I was a kid we got three television channels, and none of them worked very well. It was Bonanza on Wednesday, Rawhide on … Continue reading

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