

Hace un año, tuve el placer de visitar un árbol, se llama, “ahuehuete”  en Nahuatl (a-way-way-tay) o en español, “El Tule”. Ahuehuete crece en el valle de Oaxaca, Mexico. Había muchas turistas mexicanos caminado alredador ahuehuete. Los jardines cerca del árbol eran magnificos con muchas flores, una fuente y árboles esculpidos con figuras diferentes. Los jardineros son artistas de la tierra.

A year ago, I had the pleasure to visit a tree called, “Ahuehuete” in Nahuatl (a-way-way-tay) or in Spanish, “El Tule”.  Ahuehuete grows in the Oaxaca Valley, Mexico. There were many Mexican tourists walking around Ahuehuete. The gardens near the tree were magnificent with many flowers, a fountain and scultpted trees with different figures. The gardeners are artists of the land.

Ahuehuete es gigantesco y el árbol tenía ya un mil quinientos años cuando los españoles invadieron México in 1519. También, el ahuehuete tiene uno de los más grandes truncos del mundo. Este tipo de árbol es de la misma familia botánica de las secuoyas en California del Norte. Las secuoyas son los árboles más alto de la Tierra.

En Nahuatl, “ahuehuete” significa “agua profundo”.  Este tierra solía un pantano, pero ahora, la tierra es seca. Los granjeros y los constructores habían drenado el agua y esto ha estresado El Ahuehuete.

Ahuehuete is gigantic and the tree was already fifteen hundred years old when the Spaniards invaded Mexico in 1519. Also, Ahuehuete has one of the largest trunks on Earth. This type of tree is in the same botanical family as the sequoias in Northern California. The sequoias are the tallest trees on Earth.

In Nahuatl, “ahuehuete’ means “deep water”. This ground used to be a swamp, but today the earth is dry. Farmers and builders have drained the water and this has stressed Ahuehuete.

Un nudo en Ahuehuete

Por una hora, caminé alredador del ahuehuete y cada vista fue única. El árbol tiene una presencia que me sentí desde la distancia. ¡Tantas personas disfrutaban el ahuehuete de su propia manera! Yo vi a familias tomando fotos juntos; algunas mujeres jóvenes estaban posando por el árbol; los amantes estaban besándose y abrazándose. Me parece que el ahuehuete los miraba y disfrutaba de la conexión con los humanos.

For an hour I walked around Ahuehuete and each view was unique. The tree has a presence that I could feel at a distance. So many people were enjoying Ahuehuete in their own way! I saw families taking photos together; some young women were posing for the tree; lovers were kissing and hugging. It seemed to me that Ahuehuete was watching them and enjoyed the connection with humans.

Note: to watch the video, Do not Click on the Red Triangle – Click on “Watch on Youtube”


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5 Responses to Ahuehuete

  1. Marty Mason says:

    A stately, gentle giant! Thanks for sharing –

  2. Ray Hoover says:

    Thanks Amigo for including all of us in your adventures!

  3. Sabrina Harvey says:

    What a beautiful tree, although the fact that it’s stressed makes me sad. Thank you for sharing, Larry.

  4. Rich Kessler says:

    Great story and post. That tree and its history are amazing. Thanks Larry for sharing part of your Mexican adventure with us.

  5. Rita Sandstrom says:

    Incredible ancient tree! The events it has lived through!

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