
My previous career was as a marine biologist and I worked on ships and at field stations studying primarily whales and dolphins. When I started teaching, I wrote both of these books over a 5 year period, one hour at a time. Over  22,000 copies have been sold.

Some sample activities can be found here on this website.


It is a book that had to be written because of the author and illustrator’s passion for whales. Whale biologists have readily contributed data to make this book come to life for children. Hundreds of students and teachers have used this book and have added valuable editing comments. The book is divided into three parts: Whale Biology, Whale Research, Whaling and Conservation.

Whale Biology
Draw a whale
Prehistoric Whales
Whale and dolphin Key
Whale Dissection
How Whales Feed
Lunge-feeding flip-book
How Whales Breathe
How Long does a Whale Dive?

Whale Research
A Day with a Blue Whale
How Fast Does a Whale Travel?
Whale Migration
Fluke Identification of Humpbacks
Year in the life of a Humpback

Whaling and Conservation
Estimates of Whale Populations
History of Whaling
Why were Whales Hunted? (Exploring old whaling logs)
Bowhead Whaling and Women’s Corsets
Can the Right Whale Survive the Next 50 Years?
Conservation Topics: The Economics of Whaling and Whale Watching; St Lawrence Beluga Whales; Will the Blue Whale Survive?; Greenpeace and the Whale War and more.

If you would like to purchase Getting to Know the Whales directly from Larry Wade – email:   lawrence@oldnaturalist.com
He will ship within 48 hours and make payment arrangements with you.

Whales In The Classroom Presents: Getting to Know the Whales
151 pages • Author: Larry Wade
$12 (discounted 50%) if purchased through this site. Add $4.00 for shipping, handling and state sales tax.

Clicking the button below will take you to a shopping cart where you can purchase by using a credit card or PayPal. If you want to purchase more than one copy, you can change the numbers of books in your shopping cart before checking out:


This book includes challenging activities on physical oceanography, biological oceanography, interviews with oceanographers, and a teacher key.

Physical Oceanography
Plate tectonics
Geology of the seafloor
Mapping the sea floor
Ocean currents
El Nino

Biological Oceanography
Marine Communities
Marine Plankton
Marine Food Webs
Food Pyramids

Interviews with Oceanographers
Robert Ballard
Sylvia Earle,
Eugenie Clark

If you would like to purchase Whales in the Classroom Presents: Oceanography directly from Larry Wade – email:  lawrence@oldnaturalist.com
He will ship with 48 hours and make payment arrangements with you.

Whales In The Classroom Presents: Oceanography
147 pages • Author: Larry Wade
$12 (discounted 50%) if purchased through this site. Add $4.00 for shipping, handling and state tax.

Clicking the button below will take you to a shopping cart where you can purchase by using a credit card or PayPal. If you want to purchase more than one copy, you can change the numbers of books in your shopping cart before checking out: