The Old Naturalist’s Journey

WadeI’d like to welcome you to my blog site, The Old Naturalist. My name is Larry Wade, and I’ve had a passionate affair with the Planet Earth for most of my life. I have a deep and abiding respect for this amazing rock-and-water covered sphere where life expresses itself in millions of different forms, and in a set of interconnected systems.

I also have deep concerns about how we are treating our home. We have a lot of work to do to preserve the beauty and and living things on our planet.

One of the reasons why I continue this blog is my desire to help readers develop a relationship with the Earth. My personal mission can be summed up:

A Voice for the Earth.
Honoring Life and Seeking Beauty
Connecting, Learning, Healing
Earth First.

It’s my hope that you’ll find something in here–words, pictures, activities, poetry, something–that will stir something deep inside you and make you want to get outside. Take a walk. Look up. Look down. Listen. Close your eyes. Get dirty. Get wet. Re-introduce yourself to this amazing place we too often take for granted. Fall in love with Nature. Pass that love along to someone else–especially a child.

And let me know what you find.

Larry Wade
The Old Naturalist

2 Responses to The Old Naturalist’s Journey

  1. Kenna Hickman says:

    Wow, what a cool site!
    I noticed your bird photos on Facebook. I have recently starting taking birding classes in retirement. I’ll looking forward to following your blog. I’m from Fillmore. Tim Hickman’s little sister. I see your brother every Sat.

  2. Dear Mr. Wade,
    What a pleasant surprise to happen upon your website, which I discovered while searching for acorn germination information. We are in the process of determining the best tree propagation techniques for kids, with the goal of inspiring them to appreciate and ultimately care for trees, passing that love along! Aside from the useful information and tips, I was especially excited to see referenced Mr. Hageneder’s The Meaning of Trees, which I keep on my desk at work and that you have worked in the Montessori method. You made my day. I would welcome any thoughts or ideas you may have regarding our project, as it is still in its infancy.

    Doug Streitmatter
    Flossmoor, IL

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