The Old Naturalist has created some lessons for you to experience and learn more about Nature in the Spring and Summer.
Lesson 1 is on Winter Birds. Learn about and identify some winter birds and the behaviors of Canada geese.
Lesson 2 is on Forests In Early Spring. Build on your bird-watching experiences by looking for signs of growth, change and renewal!
Lesson 3 is on Signs of Spring. EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK there are signs of nature’s life, strength, and the exuberance of growth.
Lesson 4 is on Early April Adventures. April is an active month; lots of things are changing and creatures are stirring! Don’t miss the show!
Lesson 5 is Nature in Spring. Get outside and go on a Nature Hunt; learn about Language, Arts and Nature! Take a quiz on Spring Birds and learn how to draw a deer!
Lesson 6 is Everything Frogs. Frogs are incredibly active in Spring, and you can easily find them and listen to them!
Lesson 7 is The Wind/Decomposers. Winds are essential for weather; decomposers perform an essential recycling job in Nature. Get outside!
Lesson 8 is Rock On! Explore a variety of outdoors activities as Spring warms up and everything’s moving!
Lesson 9 begins a segment on Oceanography. Did you know a large part of the midwest was once under water? We have strong connections with the seas. Read more!
Lesson 10 is on Whales. These remarkable animals have evolved on the Earth over millions of years, and include the largest animals we’ve ever found! Be sure and do the wonderful activities regarding whale sizes, feeding, and more!
Lesson 11 is on the Sights & Sounds of Spring. Make a Spring birds field chart, observation guide, and learn how to draw a bird! The Earth is waking up for Spring, and it’s a great time to get outside!
You can do them indoors, but better yet, GO OUTSIDE!
Nature’s waiting!