What to do: Click on the “Start” button below to take the Birds Quiz. Read the hint for each bird and then guess its name.
Birds Quiz
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Question 1 |
This bird is the Minnesota State Bird. It is a diving bird and feeds on small fish.
It is not on your Spring Bird Identification pages.
A | black billed cormorant |
B | Ring-necked Duck |
C | Common Loon |
D | Common merganser |
Question 2 |
This bird is the smallest bird in the upper Midwest. Its eggs are the size of a pea. It has very fast wing beat (50 beats/sec).
A | Tree Swallow |
B | Bush Sparrow |
C | Red throated Swift |
D | Ruby-throated hummingbird |
Question 3 |
This bird's spring call is "see-see-here-here-Peter-peter". In the sunlight, its feathers are iridescent. It migrates later than most other birds.
A | Blue chested sparrow |
B | Indigo bunting |
C | Eastern bluebird |
D | Northern blueback |
Question 4 |
A | Fulvous Tree Duck |
B | Whistling Duck |
C | Wood Duck |
D | Marsh Duck |
Question 5 |
This bird is migratory. It feeds on ants on the ground, but nests in trees. There were Native American clans named after this bird. This bird in not on your spring bird Identification page.
A | Brown-spotted Sapsucker |
B | Common Ground Woodpecker |
C | Common Flicker |
D | Red-streaked Woodpecker |
Question 6 |
This species of waterfowl is over- populated in much of the upper Midwest. They are one of the first migratory birds to return to the upper Midwest.
A | Black-necked swan |
B | Chin-strap goose |
C | Canada Goose |
D | Snow Goose |
Question 7 |
A | Red-wing Blackbird |
B | Brewer's Blackbird |
C | Orange-wing Grackle |
D | Common Grackle |
Question 8 |
A | Gray backed Okalee |
B | Black-capped Jug-a-rum |
C | Gray catbird |
D | Black-capped chickadee |
Question 9 |
A | Mourning dove |
B | Cuckoo bird |
C | Gray-backed dove |
D | Band-tailed pigeon |
Question 10 |
A | Double ringed plover |
B | ground jay |
C | killdeer |
D | Jug-o-rum Thrush |
Question 11 |
A | Rose-breasted Grosbeak |
B | Black-backed finch |
C | Red chested sparrow |
D | White-beaked grosbeak |
Question 12 |
This bird makes a beautiful nest in cottonwood and elm trees. It usually arrives back in Minnesota on the first week of May.
A | Black-headed blackbird |
B | Orange-breasted blackbird |
C | Orange Cacique |
D | Northern Oriole |
Question 13 |
This bird is the largest wading bird in Minnesota. It is found along ponds and fields. It nests in colonies, high in trees.
A | Green Heron |
B | red-fronted Sandpiper |
C | Red-crowned Night Heron |
D | Great Blue Heron |
Question 14 |
A | Golden Canary |
B | American Goldfinch |
C | Yellow Finch |
D | Black-crowned sparrow |
Question 15 |
A | Belted kingfisher |
B | Boat-billed Heron |
C | Gray Heron |
D | American Bittern |
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Time to get outside and turn off that TV.
Go to the Spring Birds Program and take the tutorial. Then come back and take the quiz.
You know some of the birds and with a little more work you can do even better.
You are a birdwatcher, way to go!
A true naturalist!
I love birds and listening to their songs. I have made my yard into a natural habitat for them. So much enjoyment watching and hearing their music. Thank you for the bird quiz. I scored 100%.
Perfect timing as I saw my first Great Blue Heron of the year yesterday! Great way to celebrate returning and resident fellow mortals! Thanks for sharing!
My grandkids beat me. I only got 73%
Great quiz Larry. My knowledge of Doves was incorrect.☹️ Many Robins visited my backyard today, SPRING IS HERE !!!!!!
Armin and Emeline got 80% on the bird quiz! They are my little birders!
Liked this quiz it was fantastic thank you Mr.w