Sounds of RidgePointe


chipping Sparrow

chipping Sparrow

Chipping sparrow


Female Cardinal

Female Cardinal

Male Cardinal

Male Cardinal










Chickadee                                                       Fee-bee call of the chickadee






House Wren

Blue Jay

Blue Jay

Blue Jay





Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow


A chorus frog calling in early spring

A chorus frog calling in early spring

Chorus Frog


An American toad calling in spring

An American toad calling in spring

American Toad

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One Response to Sounds of RidgePointe

  1. Lois Anderson says:

    You are a treasure!

    Do both the male and female cardinal sound the same?

    The sound of the blue jay surprised me–the various types & tones from the beautiful bird.

    Thanks for putting fee bee when you “titled” the chickadee. I could hear it–fee bee.


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