Gatewood School Poetry Residency 2016

Many thanks to the Gatewood PTO, who funded the poetry residency for many years.

Maple Leaf Glasses

Maple Leaf Glasses


Tiger Fly
It’s a beautiful butterfly

Golden as the sun
Sometimes I wonder
How old it was
But now I’m sad
Because it is Dead
A beautiful butterfly
I once could’ve said
Sonia Lerner



Where Does Beauty Hide?
In the diversity of cultures
In the colors on our posters
In the foggy rain on our skylight

Where Does Beauty Hide?
In the sparks of inspiration
In the brightness of our teacher
On all the different flags

Where Does Beauty Hide?
In all the growing trust and respect
In all the knowledge in the books
On everything worked for
In all of Gatewood!!

Jeulien Long-Wynne



Sea Star

Sea Star

So small and fragile
This fish eats from the bottom
It pricks your finger
Paris Cruse






shark jaw

shark jaw

Ocean predator
Sitting with its mouth wide open
Swimming in heaven

Jude Lulu








The whale bone is hard
Humongous and very rough

Found by the seashore
Hans Greenwood



The tree is so big
The leaves dance down the tree to the ground.
The wind sings to the tree and me,
I feel like an ant being among the nine tree trunks.
The branches sway,
Waving “hi” to anyone who comes by.
The leaves,have many colors,
So unique.
Isabella Gomez

Ben and Bennett

(Note  the video only plays using Safari)


Bear skull

Harder than a rock
As smooth as a stone
I wonder if my head is gonna be as big as that bone
I feel like it got hit by a gnome
Sum up the poem
It’s harder than a stone

Bennett Frodermann and Ben Joppa



Where does beauty hide?
The colorful Artwork of the halls
The pictures of families
On the American flag
In the darkness of our classroom
The sounds of the 5th grade pod
Where does the beauty hide?
Inside our school
Dee Johnston




Gatewood School

Where Does Beauty Hide?
In the clear skies above us
In the colorful posters on the walls
On all of the flags
Where Does Beauty Hide?
In the creativeness of our artwork
In the friendship of all of us
In the designs on the couches
In the colors on the walls
Where Does Beauty Hide?
Inside the school

Kaia Johnson



Deer Antlers

Furry but hard
Small but has big scratch marks
I wonder how it got scratch marks
I feel sad because the deer is gone
Without its antlers
The antlers are small
But  BIG in its own way

Isabella Gomez



student work at Gatewood School

student work at Gatewood School

Where does beauty hide
Inside the class
In the posters
Brightness of our teacher
In the sky light
In the darkness
In the friendship of all of us
The the walls in the hallways
On the flag
In the library
In the classroom.

Kevin Machoga


Where does beauty hide?art
In the helpings of our teachers
In the culture all around us,
In the peaceful blue sky,
In the talented work of art,
In the calmness of our library.
Inside our school

Sheily Leguizamo


Where does beauty hide?
In the brightness of our teacher
In the
life of the students
In the
colors of the flags
Where does beauty hide?
In the unique drawings on the walls
In the laughter of the students
In the smell of
Where does beauty hide?
In our school!
Arianna Bull


Where Does Beauty Hide?
Inside our classroom

In the Star Spangled Banner
In the Minnesota posters on the wall
Where does beauty hide?
In the brightness of our teacher

In all the country flags in the hall
In the artwork on the walls
Where does beauty hide?
In the Gatewood sign in front of the school

Inside of Gatewood Elementary.

Liam Raymond Urbanowicz

Where Does Beauty Hide?
In the greatness of our art.

In the sounds of learning classrooms.
On the colorful posters.
In the friendship of all of us.
Where Does Beauty Hide?
Inside the school

Layla Sremcevic

Where does Beauty hide.
In our class.
On the American flag.
In the colorful posters on the wall.
Where does Beauty hide?
In the brightness in our teacher.
In the friendship in all of us.
In the classroom’s learning.
In the library that keeps us reading.
Where does Beauty hide?
In the different culture´s flags.
In the office that has our awesome principal.
In the lunchroom that lets us eat.
In the clear skies that keeps me happy.
Where does Beauty hide?

Jake Joseph Nordean



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