Category Archives: Uncategorized

Animal Homes Program

          Animals that don’t live in holes  

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Our Little Red Dragonfly

My sister, Carol Izad, submitted this story about her relationship with a little red dragonfly. During the summer months I have my two granddaughters for the day once a week. One of the activities we do together is swimming; usually … Continue reading

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Cinquain Line 1 One word that names an idea, a feeling  a thing Line 2  Two words that describe it ( what it looks like or feels like) Line 3  Three words which tell what it is doing, has done … Continue reading

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Flood Rescue – A Guardian’s Tale

                  Article by Linnea Palmstrom In May 2013, a wild turkey made her nest near Nine Mile Creek. I like to take frequent walks around Nine Mile Creek by Edina High School. In early May, I saw a turkey … Continue reading

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GrasshopperActivitySheet Trees SoilBuilders

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Sounds of RidgePointe

  Chipping sparrow                 Cardinal                                                          Fee-bee call of the chickadee   Robin House Wren Blue Jay     goldfinch   Song Sparrow   Chorus Frog   American Toad

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Spring Lecture

Spring Phenology   First cardinal singing on January 15, 2014.     First chickadee singing on January 15, 2014.   First chipmunk on March 11, 2014.   First migrating geese on March 19, 2014.   First male robin singing, March … Continue reading

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Snow in Raleigh, NC

Alli Wade and her dog Maya take a 7 mile hike in the snow in Raleigh, NC.  The two are originally from Minnesota, so they were one of the few that were loving the experience.  

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