Our Little Red Dragonfly

My sister, Carol Izad, submitted this story about her relationship with a little red dragonfly.

Screen Shot 2013-11-06 at 4.57.48 PMDuring the summer months I have my two granddaughters for the day once a week. One of the activities we do together is swimming; usually for a couple of hours. They like to play with water guns; shooting streams of water at the waterfall that flows from the Jacuzzi into the pool. The first week of June while they were shooting their water guns a little red dragonfly showed up and danced around the water that came out of their guns. “Did you see that?” we all shout with delight. He continued to play with the girls the rest of the afternoon. We were amazed how he entered our world of play and seemed to

Our art project honoring the red dragonfly

Our art project honoring the red dragonfly

have as good a time as we did. How can this be? Week after week all through the summer he showed up when ever we were in the pool. He dance and dove around our heads and loved it most when the girls would shoot their water guns. Sometimes he would bring a friend… not for a drive by but to play. Who would believe?

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