Category Archives: Nature Notes

The Silence of an Underwater Lake

Text and photos by Lawrence Wade Over the years, I have learned that our Minnesota lakes are filled with beauty. The silence of the underwater world;  the shapes and colors of fish; the sunlight dancing off the plants are all … Continue reading

Posted in Nature Notes, Summer | Leave a comment

Sights and Sounds of Spring 2020

Mid FebruaryI heard my first signs of spring. What birds were calling in the cold? (cardinal and  “fee bee” call  of the chickadee) Mid March – Vole tunnels in the grass as the snow melts. Late MarchPussy Willows in the … Continue reading

Posted in Nature Notes, Spring | 4 Comments

The Spirit of a Naturalist Artist

We are lucky to have guest blogger, Nanci Olesen,  share her relationship with nature through art and text. When I first saw Nanci’s work in a Minneapolis Star Tribune article (, I was touched by the intimacy of her sketches … Continue reading

Posted in Nature Notes, Photography/Art | 1 Comment

The Cock of the Rock Adventure El gallito de las rocas aventura

Mindo Cloud Forest, Ecuador. For two days,  we took early morning hikes with our birding guide, Lucia, who pointed out numerous species of tanagers and other birds. El bosque de nubes de mindo, Ecuador. Por dos dias, me esposa y … Continue reading

Posted in Birds, Nature Notes, Photography/Art | 11 Comments

Galapagos: Islas Encantadas

Editor Note: View all videos on full screen. The Galapagos Islands truly are enchanted, often I felt like I was walking in a dream and wondering whether it was really real. Lawrence Wade I have never been in an area … Continue reading

Posted in Connecting to Nature, Nature Notes | Leave a comment

Touch the Sky

Photos and text by Julie, Jim, Curran Ikhaml, and the Old Naturalist. The town of Luverne is in the Southwestern corner of Minnesota and is a very interesting areas for a naturalists, geologists, and historians.  The Ikhamls take us on … Continue reading

Posted in Nature Notes, Summer | 5 Comments

Addicted to Whale Watching

Would you pay $50 to go out on a ship, possibly get seasick, stand in the cold and get soaked for 3 hours, just to get a glimpse of a whale? It turns out there are millions of people a … Continue reading

Posted in Nature Notes, Whales & Oceanography | Leave a comment

A Journey of Wonder and Awe at the Big Woods State Park

This is the first in a series of postings about our relationships with the land and the wild places that are in our hearts. Through text and photographs, Dale Antonson shares with readers his connection with Nerstrand Woods. The path … Continue reading

Posted in Connecting to Nature, Nature Notes, Photography/Art, Seasons | 3 Comments


Article and photos  by Kelly Shea, who is currently living in Puebla, Mexico, studying Spanish and spending some much needed time as a global citizen. Similar to the life cycle of the monarch butterfly, I find myself here in Mexico … Continue reading

Posted in Connecting to Nature, Insects, Nature Notes, Photography/Art | Leave a comment

The Eagle has Landed

​Story, photos, and artwork by James Gregory, Plymouth, MN. This the second submission Jim has made. To see more of Jim’s artwork and the work of his wife, Kristina go to:    “While skiing across frozen Parker’s Lake right … Continue reading

Posted in Nature Notes, Winter | Leave a comment