The Bass Ponds – A Hidden Gem

The Bass Ponds are part of the Minnesota Valley Wildlife Refuge. It is an urban wildlife refuge in shadow of the Mall of America, a busy highway and the Minneapolis International Airport. Besides being a refuge for animals, the Bass Ponds is a refuge for joggers, fisherman, hikers, and birders.

Blue – Wing Teal nest in the shallow ponds.

Bald Eagles are a common sight.

Male Northern Oriole
(listen to its call below)

I asked the two women shown above why they liked birding.
“I have been birding for 25 years. It is addictive. The anticipation of seeing something new, is an adrenaline rush. It is also about slowing down and just being outside in the wonder of nature. Even if it is a common bird, I like to watch their behavior because you witness different behaviors in the spring than you do at other times of the year“.

Male Eastern Bluebird     (listen to its call below)


Wood Duck male and female are found in the shallow ponds

American Toad calling. Notice the ripples in the water from the intensity of the sound.

Rose Breasted Grosbeak – It’s call is a beautiful melodious song (listen below)



LL Bean volunteer March Trail Clean up (Photo by Grant Fleetwood)

I work for LL Bean at the Mall of America. The Bass Ponds is our local trail and LL Bean has adopted it, and we partner with the wildlife refuge. It an urban park and we are going to go ahead and clean up the trash once a month. I get satisfaction intrinsically by helping out the environment. We want to do our part and make it better for everyone to enjoy.
Our next cleanup will be Sat. June 8, and it’s open to everyone. Readers can get more info and sign up at .
Grant Fleetwood

Muskrat (Photo was taken in March when the ponds were still frozen).

Other mammals found at the Bass Ponds includes: coyote, beaver, deer, fox, raccoons, mink and otters at the Bass Ponds.

Craig Mandel is on the right in the blue jacket

Craig Mandel is a master birder and regularly leads hikes at the Bass Ponds.  Craig put everyone at ease with his welcoming demeanor. His quiet passion for birding is contagious. (Contact the MVWR Visitor Center to find out Craig’s next hike). 

It was very enriching walking with 25 people who were so passionate about learning and sharing their knowledge of nature.

Male Redwing Blackbird       (listen to its “oka-lee” call below)


A female red-wing blackbird weaving its nest out of strips of cattails.

American Redstart is a warbler that nests at the Bass Ponds.

I met a 16 year old bird watcher. “I got into bird watching when I was 5. “My aunt was in a birding group and they “adopted me”. I have been passionate about birding ever since, unfortunately, there aren’t too many birders my age”.


Vanessa Nordstrom grew up exploring and hiking at the Bass Ponds. She shares the following childhood memories:
“We would hike down the big hill before it was paved and we loved  having the freedom to explore everything.
In the winter we would see the fish in the stocked pond and the river run off and they would be jumping out of the ice. We used to always find animal skulls down in the woods too skunks, weasels and a deer, etc. “

Indigo Bunting – A little jewel in the trees          (listen to its call below)


To get directions to the Bass Ponds contact
Visitor Center
Minnesota Valley Wildlife Refuge
3815 , American Blvd,
Bloomington, MN.
(952) 854-5900

Posted in Birds, Connecting to Nature, Spring | 6 Comments

Sights and Sounds of Spring 2020

Mid February
I heard my first signs of spring. What birds were calling in the cold?

(cardinal and  “fee bee” call  of the chickadee)

Mid March – Vole tunnels in the grass as the snow melts.

Vole Tunnels in the Grass

Late March
Pussy Willows in the marsh

Pussy Willows

Late March
The fluted song of a male Robin is in all our neighborhoods.

Male robin

Late March
First chipmunk scurrying around.




Late March
The sweet song of a bluebird was a welcome sound.


male Bluebird

Late March
A male Redwing calling  “Oka-lee” in the marsh.

male redwing displaying


Late March First wood ducks make an alarm call as they fly away.

Wood Duck male and female are found in the shallow ponds


Signs of spring to be looking for in the future

First week of April
Vultures circling on their northerly migration

A soaring turkey vulture (photo by Mike Farrell)

(photo by Mike Farrell)


Mid April
Chorus Frogs and Wood Frogs
In this recording, you will hear the cricket-like sound of the chorus frogs and and also the “clucking” of the wood frog.


Wood frog calling with inflated calling sacs on it abdomen.

Late April    
Early Spring butterflies that over- wintered behind the bark of trees.

Red Admiral


Mourning cloak

Mourning cloak


April 13 – First Wild Leek – A blessing to see something green emerging from the earth.


April 20th Northern Flicker Calling


April 21st

First hepatica blooming. Native Spring Wildflower

April 24 First painted turtle

Painted turtle sunning itself.

I hope that soon I will hear the call of the of the American Toad.

An American toad calling in spring
Posted in Nature Notes, Spring | 4 Comments

Whale Day

For the past 24 years I have traveled to North Hudson Elementary in Hudson, Wisconsin for a very special experience. The 4th grade teachers have developed a thematic unit on the oceans that runs from February to May. All of their reading, science, language arts is based upon oceans. One day a year, I have had the honor of teaching an entire day about the oceans: Ocean Communities, Squid dissection, Sand Lab, and Shell Lab.

Student drawing of a squid

Squid Dissection

Various aspects of squid anatomy were observed and recorded.
The chromatophores allow the squid to change color. This photo was taken by a student through a 30x microscope.
Student photo of a squid beak (30x microscope)
Student photo of a sucker disk on a squid tentacle (30x)

Marine Communities

Jeanette Dickinson, a visual artist, worked with students to create a marine communities mural.

Marine science artists at work
Open Ocean Community

Sand Lab

Learning about the uniqueness of sands from around the world

Sand scientists at work

Shell Lab

Using a scientist’s eye to identify different species
Intense investigations
Is is it an abalone or a limpet?

After doing research projects, students create three dimensional ocean creatures.

viperfish from the Abyss Community
Deck the halls with ocean life.

It is fulfilling to see the Oceanography project has maintained support and grown over the years. This integrated unit has always been close to my heart. The study has generated student enthusiasm; developed learners’ understanding of so many related concepts and processes; and provided an immensely rich and integrated learning experience for every child.
Thank you 4th Grade teachers at North Hudson (Paula Feyereisen, Jessica McQuade, Heather Mathews, and Deborah Smith) for carrying on this invaluable study, especially in the light of frequent obstacles. I truly admire what you do on a daily basis.

Vicki Donatell, retired 4th grade teacher at North Hudson

Posted in Whales & Oceanography | 4 Comments

North Country Pilgrimage

Three nights of winter camping in a yurt can change your perspective on life. Jim Gregory and his son David joined me for the adventure.

Jim Gregory’s water color of our yurt.

Often working with only the light of his headlamp and a lantern, Jim was able to create his work. This was his first experience using water colors. When we left, Jim generously gave his painting to the owner of the property.

Plenty of time for creative activities.

City boy
Brought a cell phone charger
Now I am out of juice
Can’t plug it into a pine tree.
City boy

Jim Gregory on the trail

Creative Snow Plops – Nature is the Artist

Snow bird
Snow Moomin
Climbing Snow Creatures

Lost my glove liners
Tearing everything apart
Going crazy
Heck with the liners…
Going skiing
Out on the trail now….
I adjust my hat
And feel something.
Hey! I found my glove liners.

Gray Jay

Whiskey Jacks
Pirates – Scavengers
Fearless ……If food is involved
Gray Jay

Culinary Art by David Gregory

I went out before sunrise, skiing. When I returned to the yurt, I was hungry and was going to make some hot cereal. David had not skied, but made this special meal. In 50 years of camping, I have never had a breakfast like this. It was a wonderful gift.

Canada Lynx Tracks
I originally thought these were the tracks of a cougar. But my tracker friends, told me that the 16-18 inch distance between the tracks was too small for a cougar.
Canada Lynx Track.
A wolf track would have visible claws. This is a 4 inch wide track, but has no visible claws. The claws of cats are tucked into the skin until they are ready to be used. It wasn’t a bobcat, because their track would not have been so wide.

The foot is very wide on a Canada Lynx, to keep it from sinking in deep snow. It has been classified as a Federally Threatened Species. Barbara Young, the owner of Poplar Creek Guesthouse said that she has seen many lynx over the years. Once she saw a lynx jump 5 feet high and knock over a bird feeder.

Two nights – The same dream
The eyes of wildness
Burning into my Soul
Waking me from a restless sleep.

On the ski trail
Fresh tracks of a Canada Lynx
The lynx’s essence
Passes through me
But remains unseen.
The eyes of wildness
Deep in my bones.

David Gregory used cross country skis for the groomed trails. He carried Back Country Skis that are a modified ski/snowshoe for the deep snow, off trail.

When David was two, I carried him on my back while I cross-country skied. I often wonder if that has something to do with his love of skiing and the outdoors.
Jim Gregory

White Pine

There were no more than a dozen mature white pine near our yurt. Loggers cut down most of the giants in the early 1900’s. I can only imagine what this land was like when the old growth white pine dominated the area.

More work by Jim Gregory.
Jim says, “This highly grained wood chip fascinated me and consisted of a lot of detail.”

Where Does Beauty Hide?

In the lichen on a fallen birch
In the fresh tracks of Snowshoe Hare

Where Does Beauty Hide?

In the shadows of the branches on the snow
In moss and fungus on the birch tree

Where Does Beauty Hide?
In the simplicity of nature
And deep in my heart.

Do you need to make a Northwoods Pilgrimage?
Contact Barbara Young at Poplar Creek Guesthouse. 11 Poplar Creek Drive.
Grand Marais, MN 55604
(218) 388-4487

Posted in Connecting to Nature, Nature Poetry, Photography/Art, Winter | 6 Comments

The Spirit of a Naturalist Artist

We are lucky to have guest blogger, Nanci Olesen,  share her relationship with nature through art and text. When I first saw Nanci’s work in a Minneapolis Star Tribune article (, I was touched by the intimacy of her sketches and how she was able to connect to nature through art.

I have filled small sketchbooks and journals with my drawing and writing for as long as I can remember.   I am a mom of adult children and a Montessori teacher. Montessori education is rooted in peace, simplicity, independence, and the wonder of the natural world.   I like to pay attention. I like to follow the child. 
Nanci Olesen

The next 4 drawings appeared in the Minneapolis Star Tribune and document the quiet beauty of an everyday nature walk. Beneath each sketch are Nanci’s nature notes from the day.

30 december 18: Mid afternoon, sort of grey. Still cold, but not bitter. Me neither. I met an old friend on the path. We chatted. We found a red hatted woman happily pointing to a pileated woodpecker (red capped of course). We saw chickadees and juncos too. Later, a boy from my old school, Lamont. In a red hat! “Fourth grade is hard!” And me, with my red hat on, just taking it all in. Oh yes, and I fell on the ice… twice!…


31 december 18
4 pm. Greeeeeyyyyyy. Snow’s coming. Ice still freaking us all out. I only slipped two times. Deep in the bird sanctuary is a little streamlet-kind-of pond. Mallards were doing their happy swim and their funny ra-ra-ra-ra sound. That same pileated woodpecker (or so I think) swooped low, making some loud wa-wa-wa-wa… and me, quietly, to all of it: “Woah.” Snow falling at an angle and temperature dropping steadily. The tree trunk seemed to say “Onward into the new year.” The pond responded “Shoooooshh.” “Tzee, tzee,” whispered the fallen branch.

1 january 19
There are two lifeguard chairs at North Beach, Lake Harriet. I like the one on the left. Sunset. Resolutions. Bravery. “Happy New Year,” I say from my perch on the chair, gazing out at the miraculous ice. Surprisingly, the lifeguard chair responds, “Same to you!!”

3 january 19
It’s that blue of dusk… especially in the winter. Glorious! Deep blue– getting inky—but still holding light. The simple magnificence of it all. Oh baby!
The b e a u t y ! Indeed.

I look to the big picture.  I like wilderness travel.  I like theatre and dance and music.  Yellow is my favorite color.  I swim in Lake Harriet. I play the piano late at night.  I have a humorous husband.  I have grown a garden and cooked dinner and hosted parties and raised our children and ridden my bike in the Kingfield neighborhood of Minneapolis for 37 years.
Nanci Olesen

Do you want to see more of Nanci’s work?
Visit her website (
Check out her weekly “visual practice blog” (
And her Instagram (
Share these links on your own social media!

Below I’ve selected some of Nanci’s online work:

Berkeley loves its twinkly lights. And I love it all. New perspectives continue. Reading for real and getting organized. Thank you, Mary Oliver.

Lupine. Loopin’ back to all that is and was, and loping forward to the next of it. There is so much best in us left in us. Gratitude.
#lupinedrawings, #kahlilgibran, #showyourwork, #littledrawings, #nanciolesen

Lake Superior full moon 12 days ago. Time flies as we await the melting ice. Looking for the big picture. This one. The one I see.
#fullmoon,   #carryon,   #watercolorpencils, #showyourwork, #nanciolesen

On that amazing day I saw the full moon over the ocean, I met a Baird’s Trogon, I heard a monkey howl in the darkness, and I trembled through a tremor from an earthquake. #nanciolesen, #coloredpencildrawings, #costaricadrawings, #showyourwork

Nanci drawing, at the top of Devil’s Causeway in the Flat Tops Wilderness in northern Colorado, summer 2018.

Currently I am in a study cycle in Berkeley, CA, working on drawing and writing skills.  I have a grant to work with a mentor at the Berkeley Art Studio on a children’s book that is living in my head.

Posted in Nature Notes, Photography/Art | 1 Comment

The Cock of the Rock Adventure El gallito de las rocas aventura

Mindo Cloud Forest, Ecuador. For two days,  we took early morning hikes with our birding guide, Lucia, who pointed out numerous species of tanagers and other birds.

El bosque de nubes de mindo, Ecuador. Por dos dias, me esposa y yo tomamos temprano caminatas matutinos con nuestro guia de aves, Lucia, que mostramos muchas especies de tanajaras y otros aves.

Photo by Carol S Wade
Golden Tanager
Photo by Lucia Pilco
Golden Tanager
Photo by Lucia Pilco
Vermillion Flycatcher
Photo by Lawrence Wade

Chocó Toucan
Photo by Lawrence Wade
  Common Potoo   
Photo by Lucia Pilco

After two days, Lucia told us about the Cock of the Rock. But before we could see  the bird, we needed to do the following:
4am Get out of bed
4:30am Cross the river on the trolley
4:45am  Take a taxi with Lucia
5:15 am Get dropped off on a dirt road in the jungle
5:20am  Three other taxis arrive  with 10 serious birderwatchers. We couldn’t believe it.
Shortly after 5:30 the owner showed up and opened the gate. The group hustled down to the bird blind and jostled for a viewing position. The blind fit around 6 people comfortably, but on this morning there were 13 people and many of them had huge cameras with 3 foot lenses.

Después de dos dias, Lucia nos dijimos de ‘el gallito de las rochas’. Pero antes de que nos pudimos ver el pajaro, necisitábamos hacer lo siguente:
4:30 levántamos de la cama
4:45 tomamos un taxi con Lucia
5:15  nos dejamos en un camino de tierra en la selva
5;20 Tres otro taxis llegaron con diez serias observadores de aves. No lo podíamos creer.

That is Lucia trying to get through the camera maize.
Photo by Carol S. Wade

 Listen to the cacophony of Cock of the Rocks calling :

  Cock of the Rocks do not pair up, like most birds. Every day the males come to the same location (lek) and display (head-bobbing, and wing flapping) Their goal is to attract a female and then be chosen to mate with her.

Finally, it was light enough to see the birds and get a photo. But first, I had to stake out a spot in the crowded bird blind.

male Cock of the Rock

This was a surreal experience: seeing these unusual birds in this remote area. Sharing the space with all the birders. The friendly and helpful owner, collected $10 from each person. Lucia said that he fills up every morning (over a $100 a day).

That is Lucia between the two old people.

Reader Jim Everard shared his adventure with the Cock of the Rock:
While serving in the Peace Corps in Peru in 1965-66, I had an opportunity to see the Cock of the Rock along a wild, rapid-filled stream in the high selva on the eastern slope of the Andes. I served as a technical advisor to the Peruvian Wildlife and Forestry Service based in Cuzco and saw the bird while on a working expedition involved in evaluating private land with the ideal of possibly establishing a sawmill.

P.S. Just so you know, that area was a hotbed of communist activity led by Che Guevara, Fidel Castro’s second in command. I was hauled into an army checkpoint along a road because I couldn’t produce my identify card (stolen by a pick-pocket). The soldiers had machine guns and had grenades strapped to their chests. Since I spoke Spanish with an accent, they thought I was a Cuban until I could identify two other Peace Corp Volunteers who were working and living in that area.

Posted in Birds, Nature Notes, Photography/Art | 11 Comments

Galapagos: Islas Encantadas

Editor Note: View all videos on full screen.

The Galapagos Islands truly are enchanted, often I felt like I was walking in a dream and wondering whether it was really real.
Lawrence Wade

I have never been in an area where such care is taken to preserve and restore the natural habitat. The authorities encourage people to visit, but the number of people and the places they can visit are carefully controlled so there are never large crowds in the uninhabited areas.
Robert Sable

Photo by Carol S. Wade

Video by Carol S. Wade

It was an amazing experience being around animals who had no fear of humans. We could easily get within 6 feet of most of them.
Lawrence Wade

Photo by Alan Sable

Advice from a Giant Tortoise
Access your ancient wisdom
Listen deeper
The Earth is your mother

Move slowly, everything will be accomplished
Your past will only pull you back, keep growing, live now.

Speaking of the past history of Giant Tortoises…
Up to 200,000 Giant Tortoises were taken by whalers and pirates from the Galapagos Is. They were stored upside down in the hull of their ships for up to a year and eaten for food. On Española Island, researchers from the Darwin Center found a remnant population of tortoises ( 2 males, 14 females). The Darwin Center was also able to reclaim a male from the San Diego Zoo that was taken off of Española in the 1930’s. The Española tortoises are breeding at the Darwin Center and to date, 1800 Giant Tortoises have been repatriated to the island.

Photo by Alan Sable

Photo by Lawrence Wade

Photo by Robert Sable

Frigatebirds swoop just at the surface of the water with their wings spread and scoop up fish with their beaks.
Robert Sable

Frigatebird Nesting Colony
Photo by Robert Sable

Nesting pair of Frigatebirds. The male has inflated it’s gular pouch.
Photo by Lawrence Wade

Frigatebird feeding its young. Video by Alan Sable

Flamingos over-head
Photo by Robert Sable

Our group watched the flamingos flying toward us. Some were taking photos, others  watched in awe. But all were thankful for the opportunity to see something so magnificent.
Lawrence Wade

Flamingos feeding
Photo by Robert Sable

Green Sea Turtle
Photo by Lawrence Wade

Dancing with a Green Sea Turtle
Floating together
Back and forth with the surge
Experiencing wonder
Such beauty and wildness
Never to be forgotten

photo by Lawrence Wade


Waved Albatross mated pair. The largest breeding colony in the world is on Española Island, Galapagos.
Photo by Lawrence Wade

Wave Albatross courtship dance. Bill clacking and head nodding. View on full screen. Video by Carol S. Wade

Waved Albatross chick
Photo by Robert Sable

Tree Cactus, Santa Cruz Is.
Photo by Alan Sable

Tree Cactus, notice the Land Iguana who had set up its territory underneath the cactus.
Photo by Alan Sable

Galapagos Land Iguana is up 4 feet long and weighs 30 pounds.
Photo by Lawrence Wade

Land Iguanas feed on tree cactus pads. They scrape out the large spines and are able to eat the smaller ones.
Photograph by Robert Sable

During times of drought, many land iguanas die.
Photo by Alan Sable

A land Iguana and marine iguana battle for nesting territory.
Photo by Lawrence Wade

The fight went on for over 15 minutes. The land iguana was flipped over on its back 2 times and its neck had bite marks on it. Our group left before the end. It was unnerving to witness the rawness of these two species battling for their survival.
Lawrence Wade

Very young Sea lion pup.
Photo by Carol S. Wade

A pup trying to nurse from an unwilling mom. Video by Alan Sable.

The pup wanted to keep nursing and the mother waddled away. The pup followed braying mournfully.
Robert Sable

Young Sea Lions swimming intertidal pool Video by Carol S. Wade

Sea Lions are awkward and “comical” on land. In the water, they are breathtakingly sleek and acrobatic.
Robert Sable

Bleached bones of a Sea Lion.
Photo by Lawrence Wade

Life and death was continuously around us, interwoven into the fabric of the land. For instance, you might see a plump sea lion pup nursing, take three steps and find a  sea lion carcass or a young pup who is starving because his mother was killed for unknown reasons.
Lawrence Wade

Marine Iguana is the world’s only sea-going lizard.
Photo by Robert Sable

Note the long fingers and nails that the marine iguana uses for climbing steep cliffs on their way out of the water.
Photo by Lawrence Wade

Marine Iguanas spend most of their time on land basking on rocks. They must get warm enough to feed in the cool nearshore water on algae. Their diet causes them to have an excess of salt in their body which they “snort out” through their nose.

Photo by Lawrence Wade

Blue Footed Booby.
Photo by Robert Sable

Blue footed Boobys dive from great heights with their wings tucked in until they are torpedo shaped. They dive deep in the water for fish.
Robert Sable

Blue-footed Booby Mating Dance.
The male is displaying and trying to attract its mate.
Photo by Lawrence Wade

Red-footed booby Photo by Lawrence Wade

Nazca Booby Colony
Photo by Robert Sable

Nazca Booby breeding colony. Video by Alan Sable

American Oystercatchers
Lawrence Wade

Swallowtail Gull
Photo by Lawrence Wade

Blowhole Video by Alan Sable

Undersea World of the Galapagos

Many large schools of Surgeonfish.
Photo by Lawrence Wade

Sea Star
Photo by Lawrence Wade

King Angel
Photo by Lawrence Wade

Photo by Lawrence Wade

Sting Ray in the surf
Photo by Alan Sable

Sally Lightfoot Crab. The name “lightfoot” comes from their ability to “walk quickly across the water”.
Photo by Carol S. Wade

Lava Heron eating a Sally Lightfoot Crab
Photo by Robert Sable

The curtain closes on our adventure.
Photo by Carol S. Wade

Trip of a lifetime!
Robert Sable


Posted in Connecting to Nature, Nature Notes | Leave a comment

Holiday Books for Nature Loving Kids

During the holidays, you can buy my books at a 60% discount off of the retail price. Each book is priced at $10 + $3.50 shipping = $13.50 I will sign all books. If you don’t like them, books can be returned for 100% refund.

Nature Seeker Workbook

Wade Cover 020913_flt@300 copy 2Nature Seeker Workbook is the product of 20 years of work as a naturalist in the Upper Midwest. Over 800 books have been sold in three years. It is a unique personal field guide to the natural world in Upper Midwest.
More than 50 field-tested activities. Hundreds of detailed and original drawings.
Highlights natural history through all seasons
Entire units for forest and wetland ecology.
Includes Nature songs, poetry, weaving and more
For students  1st – 6th grade 157 pages  (2013)

To learn more about Nature Seeker Workbook go to:
or go to the pull down menu at this site  –  go to Publications. Click on Nature Seeker Workbook.

OceanographyOceanography includes challenging activities on physical oceanography, biological oceanography, interviews with oceanographers and a teacher’s key. For students 4th-7th grade. Over 10,000 copies of this book has been sold. This book is in its 6th revision (2015). 144 pgs. topics:
Plate Tectonics          Marine Communities
Geology of seafloor   Marine Plankton
Mapping the Seafloor   Marine Food Webs
Ocean currents               Food pyramids

To learn more about Oceanography and Getting to Know the Whales go to: or go to the pull down menu at this site and go to Publications. Click on Whales/oceanography.

This book had to be written because of the author and illustrator’s passion for whales. Whale biologists have readily contributed data to make whales come to life for children. For students 4th-7th grade. Over 10,000 copies of this book has been sold. This book is in its 5th revision (2015). 146 pages

Whale Biology Topics
Draw a whale   Prehistoric whales   Whale and dolphin key  Whale dissection
How Whales feed       Lunge-feeding flip book           How Whales Breathe
How long does a Whale dive?    A Day with a Blue Whale  Whale Speed
Whale Migration              Year in the life of a Humpback Whale

How to purchase:
1. Send a check for $13.50 to the address below.
2.  order by email:
3. call me to order:  (952) 288-5025
4. You can also pay by credit card through PayPal go to: /  and scroll down  ( Nature Seeker only – $13.50 includes shipping)

Larry Wade
15524 Day Place
Minnetonka, MN 55345

Will ship within 24 hours. Send me your email address and I’ll get the tracking numbers to you. The last day for the sale is Dec. 25.


Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Listening to the Giants

This Fall a group of seekers visited the Coastal Redwoods in Northern California. The learning and impact was glorious. In this post many people contributed their love of the Earth and the Redwoods.

Prairie Creek State Park
Photograph by Ken W. Brown

We have been given the responsibility to be guardians of all these sacred places, like the redwoods, and to keep them safe and holy. But so many life forms are in peril of going extinct because of our greed and our belief that this is “our Earth”, and we can do whatever want with it.
Donna Taylor

Today, only 5 percent of the original old-growth coast redwood forest remains, along a 450-mile coastal strip.
Save the Redwood League

Photo by Diane Kaplan

Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief.
Do justly, now.
Love mercy, now.
Walk humbly, now.
You are not obligated to complete the work,
but neither are you free to abandon it.

from The Talmud

Redwood Spirit Tree
Photo by RMaya Briel

The beauty and rarity of this Albino Redwood and it’s ability to find a way to live and be useful to the forest astounded me. It does not create it’s own chlorophyll and is fed by the trees around it. In return it takes on the heavy metals for the others. This lesson of interdependence and being yourself is worth pondering.
RMaya Briel

Photo by Diane Kaplan

Being with the Redwoods touched my soul. I feel the Redwoods within me.

Diane Kaplan

Humboldt Redwoods State Park.
Ken W. Brown

And the Redwood said:  “I have seen humans eating cookies”

Human: “It is an advantage of being human”

And the Redwood said: “We have creatures and plants living on us
Roots that are connected to the Earth
And our crown is bathed in the sky.
We have the rain and the fog.
We are not full of cookies,
But we are full of life.”
Channeling a Redwood – Donna Taylor

A very old and wise maple tree nestled in the Redwood Forest
Photo by Robin Sanislo

I was thinking of writing a poem about the trees, but I couldn’t because, really, the trees themselves are the poems. An epic poem.
Annie Kitaeff

Redwood Burl
Photo by Annie Kitaeff

Shadows in the Redwoods
Photo by Annie Kitaeff










Being in the Redwoods, I became aware of the urgency of life, the enormous power of the life force, the precious nature of life, and the need to live in harmony with other life forms. As teachers, the Redwoods are unparalleled.
Annie Kitaeff

Ken W. Brown Photography

I had come to the Redwoods to help them, and yet was so exhausted that I didn’t feel I had the physical strength to do so. I did what I could. However, at one point, I just felt that I needed to lay down. I laid on the forest floor and fell into a mystical, sleep-like state. I felt the redwood trees healing me with their roots growing into my heart as I lay on my back on the forest floor. I wished to give to them, but they gave to me so much.

I said to my friend, Larry, I didn’t have much strength to bring because I was so physically tired. He said to me, “But you brought your truth and that was your strength”.

Dr. Jedidiah Krauss

Humboldt Redwood Tree Prayer
Ken W. Brown

Human: Grandfather, Grandfather
You said I was small.
But you weren’t just talking about my height.
Grandfather, Grandfather
Teach me not to be small any more
Help me to remember who I was

Redwood: “One tree never stands alone
One tree never has all the answers
We are all one root system
Let the sky and the Earth talk to you
It is almost like a singing”

Human: I am the forest.
I am interconnected with all living things
I am unique and can contribute to the whole
I listen with my whole body
I am the sky
I am the Earth
Grandfather, Grandfather
It hurts to feel this good.

Human:  Lawrence Wade
Channeling a Redwood – Donna Taylor

Redwood Root System
photo by Veronica Smith

Let the Roots Run Deep – Lyrics and song by Lawrence Wade


View on full screen. Shared by Veronica Smith.

Life is a big circle and many forget that when any part of our ecosystem is gone, it diminishes who we are and our potential.
Jim Cotton

Ken W. Brown

Breathing with the trees
Joining their breath.
I am with you and you with me,
woven together…humble, patient

Barbara Goodman-Fischtrom

Photo by Barbara Goodman-Fischtrom

Sunlight through the Redwoods
Photo by Annie Kitaeff

Posted in Connecting to Nature, Nature Guardians | 5 Comments

Nature School Week 6 – Animal Homes Nature Hike

Now that all the trees have lost their leaves this is a great time to study Animal Homes. If you are a teacher and would like to do a live virtual Animal Homes Nature Hike with your class, please contact me. Below you will see a Youtube video I created in a park near my house.  As you are watching the video, follow along and try to figure out what type of animal home you are seeing. To help you identify the animal homes use the handout from my book, Nature Seeker Workbook.

From Nature Seeker Workbook. Lawrence Wade


To download handout, click here:  Animal HomesPDF copy

If you would like to view an other posting on animal homes that shows the inside of different animal’s homes go to:

Animal Homes Program


Inside a Fox Den


How do you tell the difference between a Crow/hawk/owl nest and a squirrel nest? Look at the two photos below and see if you can tell the difference.

Squirrel Nest
photo by Lawrence Wade

Crow Nest

The Crow/hawk/owl is made mostly of sticks and is flat on the top. Whereas the squirrel nest is mostly leaves and is rounded at the top. See you can tell the difference when you are taking your own nature hike.

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