Now that all the trees have lost their leaves this is a great time to study Animal Homes. If you are a teacher and would like to do a live virtual Animal Homes Nature Hike with your class, please contact me. Below you will see a Youtube video I created in a park near my house. As you are watching the video, follow along and try to figure out what type of animal home you are seeing. To help you identify the animal homes use the handout from my book, Nature Seeker Workbook.
To download handout, click here: Animal HomesPDF copy
If you would like to view an other posting on animal homes that shows the inside of different animal’s homes go to:
How do you tell the difference between a Crow/hawk/owl nest and a squirrel nest? Look at the two photos below and see if you can tell the difference.
The Crow/hawk/owl is made mostly of sticks and is flat on the top. Whereas the squirrel nest is mostly leaves and is rounded at the top. See if you can tell the difference when you are taking your own nature hike.