What is Your Eagle Story?

  • In late October, I was crossing Gray’s Bay, looking for a huge raft of coots that I had seen earlier in the day. Suddenly, the coots were there, but they were “hugging the shoreline” and swimming frantically. They were all bunched up, and some even climbing on top of other birds. I stopped the car, just in time to see two  bald eagles dive into the panicked birds.
  • Heading to work on a Monday morning, 7:35. A adult bald eagle circles in the
    Bald Eagle

    Bald Eagle

    sky. I think to myself, this must be heaven! How many towns in America, can you see a bald eagle on your way to work?

  • I am working outside with my class, and an eagle circles overhead. I yell for everyone to look up and see this magnificent sight. Not one student looks! Next, I hear myself yelling at them, and saying they are horrible people. Then, I regain my composure and remember, they are only 11 years old, and eagles are not at the top of their life list.
  • My wife, Carol has the following story: “I was driving down France Avenue, only a few blocks from the Southdale Shopping Center. A majestic adult bald eagle swooped down within feet of my car. The bird landed on the busy roadway and then flew off carrying something.  I was in state of shock, because the whole experience was so surreal, and within minutes I was questioning whether it even happened.”


Share your eagle story, leave a comment.

Paul Vitko:

During the afternoon of Xmas eve, we were in my house in the Eden Prairie suburbs preparing for dinner. A neighbor came to the door to let us know that an eagle had landed in a tree in our backyard. It was munching on a squirrel that was secured in it’s claw. Racing back into the house I grabbed my 35mm digital camera with a telephoto lens and was lucky enough to snap some images to record that fabulous moment, I was within about 30 feet of where it was perched.
Earlier that afternoon, a large coyote had run across our backyards…




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3 Responses to What is Your Eagle Story?

  1. barbara goodman-fischtrom says:

    Wow!! Very cool. i’m looking forward to seeing the pics. It gets pretty wild out here. The deer are demolishing our baby trees. ed and I are panting to keep up with the clean up but mother nature is victorious.

  2. Paul Vitko says:

    During the afternoon of Xmas eve, we were in my house in the Eden Prairie suburbs preparing for dinner. A neighbor came to the door to let us know that an eagle had landed in a tree in our backyard. It was munching on a squirrel that was secured in it’s claw. Racing back into the house I grabbed my 35mm digital camera with a telephoto lens and was lucky enough to snap some images to record that fabulous moment, I was within about 30 feet of where it was perched.
    Earlier that afternoon, a large coyote had run across our backyards…

  3. Jackie Phillips says:

    I was on a 2 day white water rafting trip in Colorado. It was early in the season and there was a lot of flooding from all of the snow we had received that winter. We rafted by some trees that looked like islands from all of the water and saw 3 or 4 bald eagles in the trees and a big nest.

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