Decomposer program

Decomposers song


C                     Em             F        G
Decomposers have a lot to do
C                     Em             F           G
Their friends in the forest love them too!
C                    Em              F              D
Chews the leaves that fall on the ground
C                     Em          F         G       C
Making rich soil for the trees to be sound
F                     C               F               C
Decomposers,  you may be small (use decomposer voice)
F                     C               F                 C
Decomposers helps the trees grow tall  (use tree voice)




What is Compost?Screen Shot 2014-10-05 at 10.32.14 PM

Compost is vegetable, leaves and paper

Vegetables, leaves and paper


Make compost into rich soil.





What’s a decomposer?


and other soil creatures


They’re important because

they make rich soil

For the trees to grow.

Never, say yuck, never say ick

They’re important to nature.

                      Anatomy of an Earthworm

A worm has 5 hearts

A worm has 5 hearts









                                                           Cycle of Life

Screen Shot 2015-10-16 at 7.59.47 PMEarthworm Eggs


Screen Shot 2015-10-16 at 7.57.10 PMNewborn earthworms  – “Whiteys”


Screen Shot 2015-10-16 at 8.00.09 PMA young Earthworm  “Pinky”


Adult worm ready to lay eggs.

An adult earthworm with an enlarged Clitellum (ready to lay eggs)


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One Response to Decomposer program

  1. I teach the Earthworm Jack version of this song a lot! Also your Bees song. Was hoping folks could see them both here.

    Many thanks!!!
    Cirrelda in Albuquerque

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