Eight teenagers face the wilds of the Mississippi River and try to be true to their art and creativity. Carol Sirrine of ArtStart offered a residency to some gifted art students. This week their challenge was to create experimental art in partnership with nature.
Found River bank Art
Lilia Murphy
Ella Barsanti
Ellie Allen
Lucy Niemann
A prayer for nature and healing
Ellie Allen
Confluence between the Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers
Chelsea Brusas
Anna Rude
Lilia Murphy
River Bank mud sculptures
Beckett Grice
Anna Rude
Lilia Murphy
Anna Rude
Great Blue Heron Tracks
Raccoon tracks
Pigment Pictures
Ella Barsanti, – Wild Raspberry Dream – natural coloring with black-capped raspberries
Lilia Murphy
Tree of Hope – natural coloring with mulberry
Beckett Grice – Olympian
Natural coloring with mulberry.
Becket Grice
Natural coloring with Crow’s foot flowers.
Wetland Puppets
Ella Barsanti – Angel/Demon
Jeanette Dickinson
shadow dancer, Felice Amato
Rain Dancers
Photo Gallery
Natural petroglyph, Jeanette Dickinson
Fleabane flowers
This is a useful way to create memorable stories in the lives of these young adults. What an amazing opportunity for the creative imagination to work with what is in nature in a fun and natural way. This is enlightening and appreciate you sharing it with us.