En el otoño del 2024, visitamos el estado de Hidalgo en el centro de México. La tierra ahí es muy única, con formaciónnes geológicas interesantes .
El primer lugar que visitamos fue de los “Prismas Basálticos”. Los prismas se formaron por un flujo de lava volcánica que ocurrió hace 2.58 millones de años.
In the Fall of 2024, we visited the State of Hidalgo in Central Mexico. The earth there is very unique with interesting geologic formations.
The first place that we visited was the Prismas Basálticos. The basalt columns were formed by a flow of volcanic lava that occurred 2.5 million years ago.

Prismas Basáltcos

Los prismas se formaron por un flujo de lava volcánica – The columns were formed by a flow of volcanic lava
La forma geométrica inusual de estas columnas es un producto del enfriamiento de la lava al entrar en contacto con el agua. Algunas columnas alcanzan hasta 40 metros de altura que sería lo que sugiere la profundidad del agua en ese tiempo.
The unusual geologic shape of these columns are a product of the cooling of the lava when coming in contact with water. Some columns reach up to 40 meters which would be what suggests the depth of the water at that time.

Mientras escuchaba el sonido de las cascadas, me sentí muy tranquilo estando cerca de esas columnas. Pero después de una hora, cien estudiantes invadieron nuestro refugio. Se divirtieron mucho, jugando en las cascadas y se deslizándose sobre las rocas mojadas.
While listening to the sound of the waterfalls, I felt very peaceful near the columns. But after an hour, one hundred students invaded our refuge. They had a lot of fun playing in the waterfalls and sliding on the wet rocks.

Las Cascadas

Los estudiantes invadieron nuestro refugio
Prismas basálticos son una rareza en el mundo. Sólo hay ocho otros lugares en el mundo donde existen.
Basaltic prisms are a rarity in the world. There are only eight other places in the world where they exist.

Prismas Del Mundo (Expand the graphic for better viewing)
El próximo dia fuimos a la Peña del Aire, otra formación geológica interesante. Este afloramiento de roca es increíble de ver y estar cerca.
The next day we went to Peña del Aire, an interesting geologic formation. This rock outcrop is incredible to see and to be near.

Peña del Aire
Peña del Aire fue creada hace millones de años cuando dos cordilleras se chocaron y empujaron esta formacíon hacia arriba .
Peña del Aire was created millions of years ago when two mountain ranges collided and pushed this formation up.

Peña del Aire (photo by Carol Sable Wade)
Había muchas rocas en el camino hacia la base de Peña del Aire. Vimos a jóvenes que fueron bajando y subiendo ese sendero rápidamente. Pero la superficie desigual del sendero no fue tan fácil para nosotros. ¿La edad puede importar ?
There were many rocks in the trail towards the base of Peña del Aire. We saw young people that went down and up the trail rapidly. But the uneven surface of the trail wasn’t as easy for us. Can age matter?
También, pudimos ver y disfrutar de muchos otros seres vivos en este viaje a Peña del Aire incluyendo: saltamontes, flores, mariposas, y el gente volando a través del cañon en una tirolesa.
Also, we were able to see and enjoy many other living beings on this trip to Peña del Aire: grasshoppers, flowers, butterflies, and people flying across the canyon on a zipline.

Apareamiento de los saltmontes – Mating Grasshoppers (photo by Carol Sable Wade)

Flores – Flowers
(photo by Carol Sable Wade)

Mariposa – Butterfly

Una gente volando a través del cañon en una tirolesa.
people flying across the canyon on a zipline.
(photo by Carol Sable Wade)
Incredible. Loved reading through the whole post, the pictures bring it all to life.
wonderful write up Larry; Devils Tower is an exceptional place to experience some of the similar geology a little closer to the midwest and getting to know another linguistic cultural relationship to the land, akin to your artful efforts expands and deepens our understanding and appreciations of that which connect us
Thanks Larry for sharing parts of your recent travel experiences, including beautiful sightings, and sounds, some aligned with wilderness, and some not so much. Not only were your “web site posting” fascinating, but very well narrated, giving us viewers beautiful vantage points to absorb. Carolyn and I were intrigued enough to want to learn more and consider traveling on your and Carol’s footsteps!
Hope 2025 continues to be a healthy, continuously learning, richly sharing, and engaged new year, for you and family, as you show weekly through Torah study.
What this newish, secular year will reveal (perhaps?), can not really presumed to become, perhaps somewhat like Bob Zimerman (and many others) has said, “…the answers are blowing in the wind”, but whether they show up this way, or any other way, I plan to continue to explore our 2025 times on Earth with you, my chaver.
Shalom and Salaam,
Amigo, thank you for sharing your informative travels! The Prismas Basalticos reminds me of our own Devils Postpile!
Happy New Year to you & your Family!
thank you so much. Beautiful.
Larry, thanks for sharing pictures and history of places many of us will never see. You are a wonderful teacher for us!
Super interesting!
Thanks for sharing this part of the world with us. Always love your posts.